(Selected Papers in International Journals and Conference Proceedings)
(گزیده ای از مقاله های علمی منتشر شده تاکنون)
(برای دانلود بر روی هر مقاله کلیک کنید)
12-H. Aminzadeh, M. Banihashemi, “Miller Compensation: Optimal Design for Operational Amplifiers with a Required Settling Time,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing CSSP (Sponsored by Springer), vol. 33, Issue 9, pp. 2675-2694, Sep. 2014.
03-H. Aminzadeh, M. Danaie, and R. Lotfi, “Design of High-Speed Two-Stage Cascode-Compensated Operational Amplifiers Based on Settling Time and Open-Loop Parameters,” INTEGRATION, the VLSI (Sponsored by Elsevier), vol. 41, pp. 183-192, Feb. 2008.